Access to quality education is essential to ending cycles of disease and poverty in African cities. The mission of this toolkit is to make all streets safe for children traveling with or without adults. A street that works for a child works well for everyone.
Principles for child health & mobility
Local context
Children’s mobility and health interventions should respond to local aspirations and engage with the public to identify community needs.
Environments should protect the most vulnerable users and support safe access for children traveling via walking, cycling, and public transport.
Environments should have clean air and safe, attractive infrastructure to encourage active lifestyle choices for children.
Universal access
Environments should be accessible for all users regardless of age or ability, and must be inclusive of children with disabilities and older family members.
Creative recreation
Environments should facilitate play and stimulate creativity for all children.
Equity and justice
Environments should not discriminate on the basis of family income levels.
Solution toolbox
Education programs can help children learn how to interact safely with streets and motor vehicles.
Self-enforcing street designs can complement traditional enforcement measures.
Street design
Addressing children’s mobility provides street designers with an opportunity to make walking and cycling to school safer and more accessible.
Policies & legislation
Policy reforms include speed limit reduction, design standards, and changes in liability laws.
Encouragement & advocacy
Encouragement and advocacy play major roles in encouraging the use of sustainable modes and raising awareness about road safety.